Ready, Set, Stitch
Ice Cream Social, Take One

Should Have Known Better

August_2006_3I rarely make clothes.  Sometimes for the girls, but never for me.  When I saw this fabric earlier this summer, I knew I wanted to make something to wear with it - I thought maybe a skirt.  The fabric sat in the bag and I kind of forgot about it until I began cleaning out the sewing room.  When I rediscovered it and found this pattern, I thought ok, this is what I'll make.

Mistake #1:  When I cut it out, I decided NOT to lengthen the torso.  I kept holding the pattern up to myself and thought, "this is definitely going to be long enough."  Wrong, wrong, wrong.  It was a really dumb call on my part - I have to order long torso bathing suits.  What was I thinking? 

Mistake #2:  The armholes are huge!  I don't understand why - must be the pattern.  I should have looked a little more carefully.

Mistake #3:  At the bottom, it's narrower than at the arms.  Another pattern thing, I think.  It barely fits over my hips.

This is why I don't make clothes!

The result . . . still to be determined.  Part of me wants to scrap the whole thing because I am so frustrated.  The other part thinks I am up to the challenge of multiple alterations.  I guess I will wait and see.



UGH! I hate this! This is why I don't make clothes either... The arm hole thing...that makes me laugh because weird stuff like this would always happen to me if I tried to make clothes. I was scared away by things like this but I'm trying to ease my way back in to sewing... skirts! that is what my plan is. I can hope.


Despite the issues you had with pattern, the top looked great last night! It inspires me to sew some more.


the top is adorable, but after all of that, what would you have paid to buy the shirt???!!!


You are doing great!
A very busy lady!
I love logging on to see what you all are up to. Thanks

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