Let the games begin

I am so sorry

Apparently I have received many comments in the last couple of days of which I was unaware.  I do try to respond to all of you individually and I am so sorry if you are waiting for a response.  I appreciate all the comments I receive and I like to respond to them in kind.  Unfortunately, for whatever reason, Typepad has not kept up its end of the deal as far as comments are concerned....I will try to make it up to you all.  I am trying to be patient (not my strong suit, for sure) - please be patient with me.


Gratuitous shot of the girls because I cannot post without a photo!



Now I'm sorry - I just posted twice to your previous post beacause I was trying to edit a typo. Ugh! Don't feel pressured to respond to my comments. I just like you to know that I'm always checking in on your creations...

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