I am having so much fun
From Sarah


I promised photos....here they are.





The weather was finally cool enough for me to wear my Juliet yesterday.  I love it.   I am so glad I made it.  I haven't knit anything bigger than a hat or a scarf for myself in years.  Now I am wondering what I was waiting for.  Well, apparently Juliet.  Yes, I was waiting for this.

I found the pattern super easy to follow.  This was a pretty quick knit, too.  I started on September 12th and finished on October 1st.  Not bad considering I have been working on some other things in the carpool line (my knee socks and something else to be revealed after my November craft swap).  This was my at home, in front of the TV project with a few bouts of knitting at the barber shop (aka, my local yarn store).  I had a bit of trouble getting the lace right at the beginning, but that was entirely my fault.  I have this habit of forgetting yarn overs and so I had to rip it out about three or four times.  Once I got the pattern in my head though, I was off with flying colors.  I did the longer version because I just can't get away with all that cropped cuteness.  I wish I could but it just doesn't do my super long of torso and hefty hips any justice.  I did lengthen the sleeve some, too, and I am glad I did.

So here's the knitty gritty:

PatternJuliet by Zephyr Style
Yarn:  Double strand of Rialto by Debbie Bliss, 14 skeins (with none left over)
Needles:  Size 11
Modifications:  Added length to torso and sleeves.  I also used a double strand to make the crochet button loops because I didn't think the single strand had the right scale for the sweater.
Notes:  The yarn splits easily and is very elastic.  I wasn't convinced I had made the right choice until I was finished.  I do love it.  It is super warm in a double strand (100% merino wool, superwash).


My favorite part:  knitting in my hand knit.  Satisfying to say the least.



i LOVE it! I have two small projects to finish up and then I just have to start this one for myself. You look fabulous in it. I think we have similar body types, too--long torso,"hefty hips"....it looks good for that! beautiful color choice, too erin.
I just love it all!

Sue H

Your Juliet is absolutely stunning! I would love to make one for myself but being an "older" woman I cannot wear those cap sleeves. It's a bummer getting old. Wear it in good health!


wow. i am in awe of your knitting prowess.


it's lovely! you should be very proud of yourself. i am taking my first knitting class and i LOVE it. i love to crochet too, but i'm excited about the new possibilities. i never felt like it made sense to crochet a garment (too bulky) so maybe i will jump in and knit one.


i'm in love...Juliet is very popular on blogs (even french ones)

but I think I'm too "busty"...not sure it would fit great on me...

looks really good on you !!!


oh my gosh, i really love it! i think it should give it a go! except, 14 skeins of debbie bliss? i'm not sure if my pocketbook is ready for that. ;)


Your Juliet is beautiful. I love the color and the fit is great on you. I lengthened the sleeves on mine also and it has become one of my favorite knits.


how beautiful!! just perfect.

liz elayne

wow! this is simply gorgeous! love it! love it! love it! (i am singing those last three phrases as i write...i do that sometimes...)


It looks gorgeous Erin! I love how you lengthened the body. Beautiful job!

Sarah Jackson

Beautiful! It looks great on you. I was just about to ask about those photos, so I'm thrilled that you posted it!


Cute, cute, cute! You've inspired me...I bought the pattern, now just need to pick out the yarn... :)


So pretty. Love it on you! Is it pinky or creamy. The picture on the bottom is a different shade. Love the button layout!

jennifer w.

So incredibly cute!


look at you! That would have taken me all winter to finish up. It's really beautiful and looks fabulous on you :) Have a great weekend!


that looks amazing. and the color is beautiful.


Beyond beautiful! Perfect color for your lovely red hair and fair skin. Really, it is quite stunning.

erin s

It's beautiful Erin. Enjoy your weekend.


It's so cute! Maybe one day I'll knit something I can actually wear.


That turned out so well, Erin! Good job!!


It turned out beautifully!


Absolutely, positively love it! You and Julia make the perfect pair!


Wow. Beautiful. Love the colour, the shape, the buttons...this is making me that maybe I should take up knitting. Could you recommend any good beginner books?


Beautiful sweater!


Hoe sweetly it came out!

melissa f.

flat out gorgeous. button choice is rad and it fits so nicely... just beautiful, e.


Really, what were you waiting for? This is adorable! Such great details - the buttons and the alternating loops, the lace pattern at the bottom... lovely job, Erin.


i heart juliet and that color is unbelievable.


Yay I have been waiting to see this. I immediately bought the pattern after your earlier post and am knitting up the crop version in some lovely blue cotton for Summer. Yours looks sensational and I have to say I see no evidence of hefty hips in any of the shots. Great advice on the sleeves etc. I think I'll do it as is to start with and see how it goes. Thanks for the inspiration - yet again!!


I'm not saying anything new, but I had to add my own version of ...it's beautiful, I totally love it, and I'm greatly impressed and inspired by all the things you're able to crank out! I ordered the Juliet pattern, but have yet to even start. But I really really want to after seeing yours!


I love it - it looks so soft and very feminine. I like the loops too. You do such a beautiful job of all your stuff.


It's beautiful. Love the color. If I could knit this would be my very first project. :)

Dragonfly-Crafts (Fiona)

Just Beautiful


super cute. i love how the buttons alternate.


oh my gosh. juliet is perfect. another job well done, erin.


Wow Erin. This is gorgeous. Really, really gorgeous.

Chara Michele

It is so lovely! It looks wonderful on you too!:)


I can admit now that I did fear about the bulkiness of the sweater--it ate yarn like nobody's business! But it is beautiful. I really think the buttons are my favorite part. Or the yarn. Or the pattern.


I can admit now that I did fear about the bulkiness of the sweater--it ate yarn like nobody's business! But it is beautiful. I really think the buttons are my favorite part. Or the yarn. Or the pattern.


As if I wasn't already anxious awaiting the yarn for this project, your pictures just sent me over the edge in anticipation!
Yours looks great, and thanks for the advice about the sleeves!


it's beautiful! I am in love with those buttons!!


Juliet is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Carrie S.

Are you kidding me? That is amazing, stunning, beautiful, magnificent.

I want to learn how to knit. So bad.


it's gorgeous erin! the buttons are the perfect touch.


Love it! Those buttons really set it off.


love it !


Thank you for showing the sweater I love it the buttons give a nice touch

Alicia A.

Erin. It's beautiful! I love the pale pink color and it looks so wonderful on you.


This sweater has got to be the most beautiful! I fell upon it on another blog then fell upon your blog...I'm feeling like I can't live with just drooling over yours & the others...I must knit my own! Was it really easy?


it is beautiful. the buttons really add something special. and very impressive speed-knitting stats, too!

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