Handmade - Part Two
Our Handmade Christmas - For the mom

How we had a handmade Christmas

Sometime last fall, maybe in November, I told Fatty that I thought that he should make ME something for Christmas.  I think I was in the middle of knitting his sweater and feeling a bit overwhelmed about how much I wanted to make for others.  At the same time, I was sad that I never receive handmade gifts.  Well, not from my family.  If you know Fatty, you would understand the quizzical look he gave me.  I said something like, "I don't care if you burn a CDfor me.  Would you please just make me something?"  He thought about it and a day later, he was in.

How it happened, I am not sure, but somehow I managed to transform this into each of the four of us (Fatty, me, Jane and Kate) making something for each other.  I knew I could manage the girls' gifts for each other and for Fatty and kept my fingers crossed that he would manage to help them make something for me.  I want my children to understand that thought and the time that goes into making a gift for someone.  I really wanted to do something to counteract the clothes debacle of last summer.  It is important to me that they appreciate handmade.

Well, the girls and I tossed around lots of ideas.  Most were rejected because they were just impractical and in some cases impossible.  Fatty thought his hat was his gift - it wasn't.  I knitted the girls' gifts in front of them and they never asked me what I was doing.  Fatty took the girls away one Saturday afternoon on a secret mission.  That left me guessing.  Jane took some craft supplies she received for her birthday and made something beautiful for Kate.  Kate made something in Jane's favorite color.  I sewed for Fatty.  Fatty spent an afternoon on the computer creating something for each of the girls.  Between the four of us, we used fabric, thread, plastic, pencils, yarn, glue, wood, glitter, ink, metal, glass and paint.

There were secrets - some kept better than others - and lots of plotting, planning and actual crafting.  Christmas morning it all unfolded before my eyes.  It was amazing.  Everything was made with great care and love.  And everything was received with an open heart and immense gratitude.  And they were all given with much anticipation and excitement.  It couldn't have been better.

I told you I was saving my favorite for last.  Back next week with all of our creations.



So sweet...something to keep in mind for our christmas next year! Can't wait to see the gifts.


Looking forward to seeing the creations!

Alicia A.

you stinker- I want to see the gifts NOW!


oh, man, you tell us all that and then not SHOW us? come on! :)

that does sound amazing. i'm really looking forward to a few years from now when the boys can do handmade a little more on their own.


oh. i like the anticipation. of not knowing until next week. i think your handmade christmas is the best one i have heard of yet.


Oh, what a tease! This sounds like a wonderful idea, can't wait to see it!


Oooooh! I love this idea and I can't wait to see all the handmade gifts!


Oh, come ON! How can we wait till next week after that build-up?!


Oh man, I'm in suspense! What a wonderful handmade Christmas it sounds :)


What a wonderful idea. Can't wait to see what you all created!


Good for you! What a lesson in appreciating the true gift of giving--of yourself to those you love.


What a gorgeous story, I love to hear of you guys making the giving more special. I can't wait to see what you all made!


Can't wait for mine to be old enough to do this. We did handmade but cheated with ETSY.


This is just plain mean. :) I hope the wekend goes by fast for me so I can see what you have all made. Great idea and even better for making it happen.


So sweet! I cannot wait to see!


This is wonderful. And I know what you mean. I never receive handmade gifts either, but really appreciate it when it does happen. And I had a lot of fun making gifts this year. Looking forward to seeing what you made!


i was thinking....where, where am i clicking...where? i want to see them now!
i guess i can wait. i look forward to seeing everything.


oh, you are a tease indeed! I am dying to see the gifts!


oh I can't wait to see everything!!!
What a lovely story :)


Ok, you hooked me, I can't wait to see your heartfelt creations! I love that you all made something for each other!


Great idea!


you're killing me! i'm so not patient.


okay, really erin, i just want to see it. now i have to wait longer? can't wait!

Sarah Jackson

How great! We're doing that next year - everyone is making something for someone else and then we're going on a trip as the big gift. Can't wait to see it all!


Thats just an awesome idea...really.
I cant WAIT to see what it is...


How wonderful! You have us all in suspense now. I kept scrolling down hoping to see the photos...


Oh, I can't wait to see... it all sounds wonderful!
BTW, the elephants and robots are cute!

Beth H

What a great idea. Often I feel the same way about not getting handmade myself.
Can't wait to see what was created!!


how wonderful to get your entire family on board with the handmade thing. I am looking forward to seeing it all!

Mama Urchin

How absolutely wonderful. Of course I don't want to wait to see it all either.

erin s

The suspense is killing me!


Oooh, can't wait to see those.

The clothes debacle sounds so familiar...I let my daughter choose which shop she goes to and what she buys, I always check with her whether it's comfortable...but somehow when we get it home it's too scratchy/tight/yuk. I then feel awful making her wear these things, but what to do? It must be doubly (no, make that tripley) dispiriting when the item in question is something that you've made though!

Thank you for the lovely comment that you left on my blog about the bib - I'm so pleased that you don't mind! Thank you!

Florence x


oh! i can't wait to see!!!

Lisa Clarke

Oh, I absolutely love this idea! My older son and I are already on the "handmade gifts" bandwagon, but how great would it be if all four of us were to get involved and really put some thought into making something for each member of the family? I hope I remember this post next year :-)


Such a tease! A complete lead up and then BAM! Nothin'. I love that you instilled that into your family this year. Handmade is still thought of as the cheap way out in my family so I feel very self conscious about anything that I do.


I want to give you and your blog a "you are an amazing blogger" award. You can get the award picture from my blog. Part of the fun is listing seven random facts about yourself and then passing it forward.

I find your blog a tremendous source of pleasure and inspiration. Judging by the number of comments you receive on each and every post - I am far from alone on loving your blog!


My boys would tell you that it is not nice to tease!!! Can't wait until my boys are old enough to keep a secret. We took the oldest two out on Christmas Eve to get each other something and they still told! What a great tradition to start!


I love it! You've so inspired me, Erin. Next year, we're going to try it too, for sure!


how can you just leave us hanging like that?! I will tune in next week for sure.


Sounds like a scene belonging in a Little Women book. How much more meaningful.


I'm going to get my husband on board with this for next year. It doesn't have to be a big production. That's the thing I always need to learn. Thanks for the beauty of family & generosity you're sharing in these posts.

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