Untitled Wednesday

All in fifteen minutes

Today is just one of those days.  You know the kind I mean.  It's rainy and gloomy and crawling back into bed seems like the best idea.  Until I remember that there is physical therapy to do, groceries to buy, help needed at school, miles to run (most likely on that awful contraption known as a treadmill), laundry to fold, a house to clean.  So what do I do?


Play with fabric for a bit, ponder choices, wonder why there is no grayish blue fabric in the stash.  Find a spot next to a window, take some photos, rearrange the fabrics, think of the different possibilities.  Look at the clock and snap back to reality.  On with the sneakers and the rain coat, up with the hood and out the door.

What are you doing today?



Oh I love that fabric on the bottom!


yes, the fabric on bottom is lovely. i am thinking of all the things i need to do today...finish editing job, make doll, bake peach cobbler for cookout tonight...all while spending quality time with my kids :)


Beautiful! I'm going to sew today, maybe a tiny quilt. The weather is perfect, just a little gloomy, but breezy and a bit warm. Have a great day!

the pesky bombolino

I'm moping about eating excessive amounts of the wrong kinds of foods because my other half annoyed me. I like the sound of your morning better!

Sarah Jackson

that's exactly what I would do! I'm doing laundry today and making a quick run to the grocery store. After that I'll take a walk. And knitting squares. 4 more squares to go.


Oh I have a list too...It isn't a pretty list either...let's see mine also includes laundry, not the treadmill but the recumbent bike (easier on my poor knees) cleaning, errands, no fun no fun no fun...
BUT after seeing your pretty fabric! I think I must get in some fun ME time today!!! I can squeeze it all in...I think!


Who doesn't love a little fabric induced procrastination?! :) I think I'll try to do some doll sewing tonight.


gloomy here today, too. but i'm (taking a short break from...) straightening for a play date and i need to hang my new curtains up!


yesterday was that kind of day for me, so today, i feel like i need to GET THINGS DONE. On the agenda: termite inspection appointment, mail taxes, laundry, and maybe some sewing if i'm lucky!


yesterday was that kind of day for me, so today, i feel like i need to GET THINGS DONE. On the agenda: termite inspection appointment, mail taxes, laundry, and maybe some sewing if i'm lucky!


Well, after I earn my keep at work, I plan to run by a Bernina dealer (a different one than yesterday) to check things out. After that I'll pick up the kids, cook supper, put away the laundry, pick up the house, ya know, the usual stuff. If I'm lucky, I'll get a few minutes before bed to sneak away to play with some fabric, or buttons, or beads :)


excellent question - what am i going to be doing today? :) we have cookies to bake for a party tomorrow. in between that and yoga tonight is still up in the air.

i love those light blues there!!!! excellent colors. enjoy the run.


Oh, oh! The VQB block!


I like your stack of fabric! can't wait to see what you come up with.

as for what I am doing today, heading up to my sister's for the rest of the week. it's spring break and it has snowed the past 2 days. lovely.


Those fabrics are gorgeous!!

I am spending my day trying to figure out how to clean the pen out of my dryer.

But laundry can wait, right? Sewing sounds much better.

Mellissa - wondermommy

I'm having one of those weeks. I just can't get into the mommy mood. I've been dilly dallying all around and accomplishing nothing.

That fabric is lovely, though!


That stack is lovely, indeed.

Today, my husband is throwing a 30th birthday party for me. I'm pretty excited.

How is the marathon training going?


so glad to hear there's another fabprocrastinator in the world & i'm not the only one!!! xo

joetta maue

crawling back into bed sounds glorious...but alas I am making work, about to grade student work, and then yoga...dinner...oh bed.....


Finally beginning my daughters'
Easter dresses! They are sleeveless and it is still cold and rainy-snowy in Chicago...they probably should be wearing their Christmas outfits!

Mama Urchin

Cleaning, packing, and wishing I was sewing/knitting.


Sounds like me.

Today I'm working. Eating lentil soup and homemade Irish stout bread for lunch at the moment. Later, when I'm home, I will put my own sneakers on and go for a run, try to sign and number my prints and list them in the shop, start a brochure, and then abandon it for another, more fun project. I don't know what that is yet, but it might involve fabric. I've got some softies to make for kids who have birthdays coming up.


... to take a nap !!!!!!


we are doing alot of nothing. recovering from the flu i suppose. so very seldomly do we have a day without a major agenda.


those fabrics look very nice!
I want to start quilting so badly.

I can't wait to see how your next one takes shape : )


oh, how lovely fabric can distract one from those pesky things to do!

i'm doing my nonprofit work, wishing i was instead snowshoeing through today's new snow. tonight, i'll be home with the family and the tangled yoke.

apple cyder

I hope to be playing with some fabric myself later on. Should be going for a run too, but don't think that's going to happen.


Sounds like you are living my life. Except I don't have any of the fabrics shown in my stash...


should have jumped on the treadmill after i ate all of those cookies. yep, that is what i SHOULD have done!

TD wool design

baking and knitting. cleaned yeaterday and did laundry, but somehow there's more laundry today. darn. sigh. damp and grey here with buckets of rain forecasted tonight. enjoy your day and fabric!


This is all very familiar to me! I seem to spend endless spells of 15 minutes playing with fabrics between the drugery of laundry and housework! Beautiful fabrics!


making pants!


I know how you feel. Today I made myself sit down for 20 minutes and work on a gauge swatch for a new sweater in between searching for supplies and cleaning the bathtub. I'd still like to take a nap too!

Julie @ Letter9

Honestly, today I bought fabric! Well, I pleated a skirt I'm working on, bought fabric, and played with my precocious little nine month old boy all day. He just learned to crawl and everything so exciting to him these days.


I am packing to going to Berlin (yay!).

That is a lovely stack of fabric!


That pile is beautiful.
I'm always drawn to blues :)

Today I had a well deserved day of beauty. Went into the city, had my haircut + coloured, enjoyed a manicure + pedicure, and had my eybrows shaped. Now, I feel as right as rain :) (is that the expression?)


aahhh...i love a little procrastination! nothing but work for me today, though. i was routing contracts and transferring funds, but unbeknownst to my co-workers, i was really pondering my next sewing project!


Love the fabric! I watched Johnny Depp film a movie today at a nearby town :-)


I have the bottom fabric in my Color-Wheel Quilt!

Loving all the blues.

I hope someone does a 'Blue Week'

Today, I am reading blogs and procrastinating about putting the zipper in my daughter's easter dress.


Hmmm, rearranging fabric has always helped a bad mood for me---except now when I must pull my fabric stash out of every nook & cranny in my too small room! Okay, it's still fun.

What did I do today... I'll post about it tomorrow but as strange as it sounds I had to pee in a cup! Yuck. All in a day's work of looking for a job.;-)


Erin! They are lovely!


I dunno, that sounds like a productive day to me. :) Gotta keep those creative juices flowing!


i am infamous for playing with my fabric when i should be doing something else.

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