For Annabel
Virtual Quilting Bee - November

All the trimmings

I was going through some photos and found these that I took while in New York a couple of weekends ago.  These are the Anthropologie windows at Rockefeller Center.  Just a little eye candy to get your holiday decorating ideas percolating.





I think it might be a good weekend to have the girls start making paper chains or snowflakes.  I'll be making pie crusts and finalizing my Thanksgiving menu.  Bring on the holidays - I can't wait!



this is the best thing ever. my mind is reeling.


This is my absolute favorite store. I even get a thrill when a new catalog is left in my mail slot. Very inspiring!


awesome photos. that birthday trip brought you many blessings!


i love this, but I feel bad for the poor interns that had to string all those paper chains!! No fun!!


I'm usually slow to warm up to the holidays, but I'm starting to feel it ever so slightly...


Goodness, how wonderful! And the clothes too.... wow!


oh that store is grand!


cool, thanks for sharing! so fun - love all those boxes and lights!


oh, how I love anthropologie...


The pictures are great! Paper chains and pies sound like fun. I agree - Bring on the Holidays!


i am so excited about thanksgiving. my favorite holiday.
thinking of Christmas makes me nervous.

those displays are awesome.


I was there just last week and totally missed that. I so wish I could afford that store!


Damn, those windows are making my head spin! I have a few deadlines to meet before Thanksgiving but no holiday craft fairs this year (phew!) so I'm excited to start some holiday crafting and baking with the kidlets next week. I love planning for Thanksgiving dinner -- I think it might be my favorite holiday. Have fun! xo


how do they manage to wow me every single year?


That second photo makes me, vintage ornament crazy lady, want to squeal a little. I love the styling in that place, but I always leave feeling a little overwhelmed because they wont let you take a photo, and there is no way to remember it all!


Wow, wow, wow. I have never stepped inside an Anthropologie, but this is the next best thing. So inspiring. Thankyou Erin!


I guess when you have the money to have a shop in the Rockefeller Center you also have the money to spend in such a window, lol...
Only with the ornaments in all the wall I could decorate my whole house, lol...
Lovely pics! Thanks for sharing!


The elves make paper chains around here...leaving them behind when they visit at night during the holidays! They must have a lot of elves!!!
And Sarah made me laugh because it made me "want to squeal a little" too!


The first picture looks like a giant snow globe!


eye candy indeed!!!


Wonderland. Why oh why won't Anthropologie come to the UK?


hmmmm... how come some people can make a scene look like groovy art? If I open my garage door, I can come really close to achieving this look, without even trying, but I don't think it would lift anyone's holiday spirits!


one year I bought my husband a dozen boxes of vintage glass ball ornaments for christmas and wrapped them up- after the opening our floor looked like your second photo.


They have the most amazing displays. So inspiring! Thanks for sharing. Your photos are gorgeous.


Those windows are incredible. What a fun job that must be... This post makes me think I should put up my tree this weekend.


I can't wait for the holidays either! Snowflakes sound just about right for my scissor loving toddler!

Amy @ parkcitygirl

Thanks for sharing!!! Love all those paper chains :) Too bad my baby would eat them - it just means I have to be more creative - right?


I love me an anthro display. Thanks for sharing, erin!

Oh my breathtaking soul this is fabulous! Bring on the window displays in every store in town. Bring on the plastic figures moving their arms robotically. Bring on the fake snow. Bring on the bell ringers. I love it all!

Knitsational (Julie)

oh, wow! Those really are inspiring.


The girls and I made paper chains last week to mark how many days until the holidays, but after seeing this picture, I'm feeling like I want to cover our tree with them. I'm so ready for Christmas. bring it on!


gotta love Anthropologie! Thanks so much for sharing!

heather smith jones

those windows are amazing! it makes me think they're trying to encourage buyers in a time when we have less disposable income, more is still accessible {or something like that}. :)


Festive photos make me so happy.


Oh my god - just the quantities of paper chains have me dizzy! That looks amazing! And wow, kids would love the excess of it :)


god i miss new york.


Beautiful displays. I like that they have artual artists on staff for stuff like that.


ok now, where's the 'you may need to be sitting for this one' disclaimer?
wow, i adore these pics! i'm in a much smaller town and i get all 'oooo, ahhhh' over the big city. thanks so much for sharing these. they are very inspiring!


I really like the second picture. Love the clothes & the *chair*...

Little Bohème

I so much love this shop! They must have such fun designing their window decorations...
I am really lucky to (although living in AZ, and in the suburbs of PHX)having one of these shop 2 miles aay from my house!!


how funny. I have these same shots on my blog. Beautiful windows,aren't they!

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