Virtual Quilting Bee - November
Yes, I am a smart cookie

Squares and Rectangles for Morgan

Morgan sent the brown print, the green polka dot and the white fabrics for her month of the Virtual Quilting Bee.  I really love how this one turned out.


I hope she likes it too.

The pie crusts are made!  I'm off to slice and then dice bread for stuffing and make a lasagna for tomorrow night.  The house is a mess - gotta get on that.  I am not stressed - I am not going to let myself be.  And if I were, it'd be Caroline's fault.  She convinced me(and really, I didn't much convincing) to play hooky and go see Twilight today.  A mid-week, daytime, teenage love movie is such a guilty pleasure.

Back to cooking.....


Mama Urchin

Have you read the twilight books? I knwo nothing about the series except that I keep hearing buzz about it.


I really like that one! Happy Thanksgiving!


Anna loved it....did Carolyn read the books?


This is MOST satisfying to look at.


do you have a pie recipe coming my way? otherwise i'll do it the way i did it last week - but i'm making the pie tomorrow so it has time to set. crusts are being made tonight.


I want to see the bathroom renovation

katie r

love the square. I went with easy crust this year, but I am making 7 pies tomorrow. Did you like the movie? Happy Thanksgiving!

Mary Smith

That quilt looks great! Best not to get stressed, I say. Just enjoy as much as you can! Happy Thanksgiving to you!


Ha, I'm thinking of sneaking off to see the matinee tomorrow. I finished the book last night, so now I can go see the movie. My husband refuses to see a teenage love story with me, even though I explained that there are vampires in it. :)


thankfully i don't have to make pies this year - just everything else :) but i'm not stressed either. the kitchen is a mess, i haven't made any food yet for thursday yet, but i know it will all get done eventually.

did you like the movie? i was crushingly disappointed. makes me want to read the books again just to get the movie out of my mind. but i won't start reading again until after thanksgiving.


Love your square Erin!! I'm in love with the randomness that I feel I'm unable to achieve. I got the book today from the library so I'm already planning my scarf. I'll keep you posted


I can't wait for Twilight to be released over here! Not long now. Lovely quilt block as always.



oh, that's a nice looking square. yep.
happy cooking and movie watching!


LOVE that quilt block! Happy Thanksgiving!


i am "really" into your squares now, since i got an invite to do this same thing. :) love this.

enjoy your mess. it is all about the mess with family. and i am embracing it, too.


Good for you! I need to learn to not let my messy house not stress me out. We really LIVE in our house, therefore, it is constantly messy, so what.

I love your block - the colors, the design, everything!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Erin :)


That's a great block.


Oooh, playing hooky to go see Twilight sounds like fun!

I'm not hosting anything, so I don't have the same pressure, lol. But it would still be fun to play hooky!

(Your quilt square is beautiful.)


Oooh, playing hooky to go see Twilight sounds like fun!

I'm not hosting anything, so I don't have the same pressure, lol. But it would still be fun to play hooky!

(Your quilt square is beautiful.)


love the colors together. well done!


these squares are turning out so very loverly! i really like the fabrics you've chosen!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


Loved the book and the movie is out in Australia in two weeks. I am on the countdown let me tell you! Love the squares.


Lovely quilt square, the colors are great. are right, such a guilty pleasure. I forced my husband to laugh his way through the movie while I sighed. Love those beautiful vampires!


Brown, orange, and green... my favorites! I love how that piece looks.


I saw your blog mentioned in Cookie. I love the visual packing list idea. I'm off to download the template from their website. thanks! :-)


Mid-day and on the sly is the only way to watch a teen movie! Good for you!


your block is lovely. hope your thanksgiving was wonderful!


I don't like it, I LOVE IT!!!! THANK YOU!!


Very pretty fabrics, they make such a nice block.


Lovely block! I just finished mine today.

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