A New Year's gift for you
Some thoughts

We clicked






I don't know what it was.  And really, I don't care.  Because it was magic.  My camera and I, we were on the same page yesterday.  I haven't felt the photo love for a long while even though I have been uploading to my flickr almost daily.  Photos were feeling like a chore, and one I didn't really care for at that.

But no longer.  The love is back.


Sarah Jackson

That's the best feeling. Oh, and that bread looks amazing.


Beautiful pictures, especially the paperwhites at the bottom.


Lucky us! Welcome BACK!

Nadia Lewis

Go Team Erin and Camera!

Love the bread one, BTW.

Julie (Knitsational)

I have to agree with everyone, that bread pic is wonderful!

Karen Lehmann

You DID click! And the results are just beautiful! Congratulations - it must feel good...


it's the new lens, right? oh, i'm so jealous. these are gorgeous.

Melissa Crowe

Yes, and I'll take some of everything please.


It's the fiddy.


Yes, please, keep on clicking. I really like the last paperwhites shot--makes me want to reach through the monitor and touch them.


Your sure did click! Doesn't that feel so good? I haven't clicked with my camera in a while... I was away from home for a full week and didn't come away with one decent photo to show for it. It comes and it goes, eh?


UGH I almost bought paperwhites tonight. Now I wish I had! But thank you for sharing yours! :)


Mmm, yes, definitely back.


I can smell the paperwhites. What lovely sun you've got! Happy 2009!


I think your photos are always fab. I wish I could take good photos.


I love when that happens!


And SUPER-love the new banner!

Kim D.

Glad to hear that your camera/photo mojo is back. Beautiful pictures. The bread made my mouth water.


Sometimes everything just falls into place. Lovely.

TD wool design

a smile for you.


beautiful! (i love scout's cameo.)


Good for you!

Mama Urchin

I never noticed it was gone but these are all very nice.

Meg Evans

Nice pictures! Is that the boule from Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day? I love how crazy-easy it is (and how crazy-delicious). I haven't been able to get as good a picture as you, though!

Now I'm off to find some paperwhites!


Bravo -- great pictures -- spring is coming!!!


You're back into the groove! I know how great that feels. Wonderful photos.


Don't you love when that happens? I do.


It's the new lens, of course. ;) These are really all beautiful, Erin. You really did a good job capturing the light in each of the different settings.


Stunning Erin, just stunning.

Also, I have that same blue Pyrex dish with the glass lid. It was my step-grandfather's from his bachelor days. I absolutely love it when I make things in it, like lasagne for one! So cute!


great photos! is it your new lens?


Can you tell us about the bread?


Good for you! Gorgeous pictures.

I love freshly cut pineapple as well. Absolutely delicious. Can't compare to freshly picked pineapple in the Dominican Republic, but close.

rachel | buttons magee

Hooray Erin! Photo love is the best :)


I love your paperwhites!
I know the feeling. I was very unproductive all summer, but recently I've been feeling creative again, and happy with my work!


i love your photos!


such a wonderful feeling to get the photomojo back. if you see mine around, could you send it back to me? (i didn't even know you had lost yours!)


um, yeah. major click. the new lens?

amelia studio

Love the paperwhites!

chris carleton

Click. Click. Click. You are off and running, my dear. This is good stuff.

Between the fresh bread and the flowers your house must smell lovely. :)

Account Deleted

oh that's very good. It looks like you clicked from here! I agree, your house "looks" like it must smell really great!


Oh, yes, these are all wonderful!


Oh, yes, these are all wonderful!

tamara hintze

Love these photos. What lens are you using?


wonderful photos erin - looks like you had some great light and excellent props. i've been missing the camera love lately too, so i went out for a walk in the fog today with my camera. we didn't quite click, but we made progress.


it's the light. and a shallow dof. they work magic.


Beautiful pictures! The light is perfect. By the way...silly question...do you have the paint color/name on hand in the paper white pic? I am searching for a nice green wall color --I either go too bright or too dark!Thanks.


That last one is breathtaking... some in focus, some out of focus.


love your new blog header! those paper whites are beautiful.


lovin your new header.
and flickr. i am in love with flickr. :)


Gorgeous, just gorgeous. (off to find some bread)

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