The first day of school

Crochet Adorned (and giveaway!!!)

Crochet adorned

Crochet Adorned is the new book by Linda Permann.  If you follow Linda's blog, you know that she is a master with yarn and a crochet hook as well as a talented seamstress.  Her book is just as lovely as she is!

Crochet flowers 

And if you have been reading this blog for awhile now, you know that I don't really crochet much at all.  I taught myself how to do it just so I could make granny squares.  And really, that is about all the crocheting I have done.  This book has given me the confidence to move beyond the granny square and try something new.  Linda gives wonderful advice and directions for beginning crocheters and lots of illustrations to help you get going.  The back of the book has an immense stitch glossary - trims, motifs and stitch patterns all written out and charted.  I had an epiphany when looking at the charts!  Crochet started to make sense to me and now I know that with a few basic stitches, I can probably make anything in this book.

Crochet trench

So of course, I had to try to make something!  In the book, Linda shows you how to adorn store bought and hand sewn items as well as to alter clothing you might already have with crochet.  The possibilities are endless.  I took the same trim that Linda added to this trench coat and crocheted it to add to a pillow for the window seat in Jane's room.  I had never made anything with a foundation chain before so I was a little worried that it wouldn't come together properly.  With Linda's written directions and the chart, it was a breeze.

Crochet pillow 2 

Crochet trim detail  

It's super cute and it received the Jane stamp of approval.  It was also a very quick project which means I will definitely be making more pillows for her room with crocheted trim.

Crochet tote 

Crochet apron 

Some of the other projects that I really like are the tote bag with trees and the apron with a butterfly.  But I think the butterfly might end up on a t-shirt and the trees might end up on a pillow.  Like I said, these projects are versatile and will get you thinking about how you can use crochet to adorn different items.

Linda has been kind enough to offer a copy of her book to one of my readers.  If you'd like a chance to win Crochet Adorned for yourself, leave a comment on this post before 3:00 p.m. EST on Sunday, August 23.  I will announce the winner next week.

. . .

In other news, I've been working on camera straps so there will be a shop update within the next couple of weeks.  When I have a definite date, I will post it on the blog.

Thank you all for the kind comments about the plight of my tomatoes and the girls' first day back at school.  It's been a full week around here with its share of ups (school starting, gifted tomatoes from a friend, riding bikes to school) and downs (late blight, the kitchen faucet that broke off in my hand).  I am so glad it's Friday.

Happy weekend, everyone!


Kathy Marsh

This book looks like a must-have for me. I can think of so many items in my closet and sewing room that need these embellishments!


Please please count me in. I am not well versed but would love to figure it out better.


libby and i have thought of learning to crochet together this fall, as i'll be down to one kiddo at home. this would be great to inspire us! thanks for the giveaway chance. the pillow is lovely!


I would love a chance.

Rachel B

This book looks wonderful! Thanks for the give away!


I would LOVE a chance to win Crochet Adorned. I'm one who looks at crochet patterns and breaks into a sweat. I would like an epiphany, too :)

Jen Gough

I would love that book!



Hello. I would love a chance to win the book. I love your blog. Your projects are so inspiring.


I LOVE that pillow! I've been trying to teach myself so I can make a beanie with a brim for my girl. I'd love a book to help!


Good for you on learning more. I've tried to crochet and put the hook away again for awhile. Perhaps in the fall I'll have more patience for it. I just can't get the tension nor my fingers to get a comfortable grip. Beautiful book, I'd love to learn from it!


This looks like a great book. I'd love a chance to win a copy.


Hello! I just learned to crochet and would LOVE to win a copy of Linda's book. I'm dreaming up ways to use the trim and to adorn bags, skirts and aprons with those flowers, trees and butterflies! Yay!



I love your pillow and would love a chance to win the book.


Your pillow is lovely, and this book seems right up my alley. Thanks!


Ooh So excited! I've been seeing this lovely book on many blogs lately. And I can't wait until you update your shop I just bought a new camera that needs one of your cute straps!


please choose me! I would love to get some more ideas and applique patterns!


oh that does look like a lot of fun, and your results are terrific. Thanks for the chance at this book! Id love to give crocheting a try!
Krousegirl2 at aol dot com


I love the accented bag! Just love it!


What a neat book. I'd love to be entered!


very cute pillow! thanks for sharing the book!


So cute--I love the butterfly bag!


i would LOVE to be entered to win this book - it looks awesome!


I haven't crocheted since I was 7. This would definitely motivate me!


I am a big fan of Linda's work - her ideas for crocheted embellisment are most creative.


I've been wanting to break into "yarn arts" (haha, is that a term or did I just make it up?) so this sounds like fun to me! Thanks for hosting a great giveaway. :)


That book looks super-cool. As someone else who taught herself to crochet to make branny squares, but has never gone beyond that, I think this would be so fun to own. Thanks!

Tracy Anderson

Oh her book looks beautiful! And Nice job on those pillows! Gave me a little bit of inspiration to fix up mine. :)

Margaret Oomen

i love this book from the eye candy front cover to all the beautiful projects. It is inspiring me to really learn how to write proper crochet patterns to share more of what I make ad lib.
Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful book.


How beautiful!!! I haven't learned how to crochet very well yet (although I can make a rather boring potholder) but my mom is a whiz at crochet. I would love this book!!!


I'm glad to hear that the projects aren't too hard! And I love the way that pillow turned out. Definitely something I need to try out.


That looks like a really fun book. Crochet is such a perfect way to embellish. I'd love a chance to win one.

P.S. My camera wants one of those beautiful straps!


I have just recently picked up my hooks again and started making basic flowers... i would love a copy to try out even more trims, flower, etc!

Rhonda Larson

Love to crotchet, but time is always an issue. These projects look cute and fast. Would love to have a copy of the book. Keep up the good work on your blog- keeps me inspired in everything from gardening to sewing!
Thanks- Rhonda


Oh wow, that book looks lovely. I'm a knitter but I've really been inspired to try crochet. I keep hearing it isn't hard at all, so now that we're heading into those cooler months that seem to bring more hours for these crafts, I'll give it a try.

And I happen to have that trench coat featured in her book ;).

Happy Day!


These projects look lovely. Exactly my style :)


This book looks wonderful! Thanks for the giveaway chance!

Jennifer H

What a beautiful pillow! The book looks inspiring and fun! Thanks!

Sam E.

I've been trying to teach myself to crochet as well - this would be a great help!


What a lovely book! (And pillow!) I'm a knitter, but not much of a crocheter. This looks like just the thing I need to expand my "yarn-crafting" skills.


The book looks great! I have crocheting on my list of TODOs to learn. The trim is a wonderful addition to the pillow - inspirational too!

3 to get ready

I've always been a knitter and never a crocheter, but now I'm intrigued! I would love to learn to do this! I'm already thinking of all the things I could decorate.....


I would really like to own this book & learn to make the crocheted flowers!

Just Susan

Yes, I would love this book. Please count me in and thanks to you and Linda. ~Susan


It's almost fall, so you should get back to your grannies, if you want to cuddle under your blankie :) At any rate, I love crocheting, too, and would love to add this book to my collection. The flowers on the sweater on the cover are so pretty, and I'm sure that the rest is great, also :)

Janey Joop

Please enter my nname for your giveaway. I would love this book. On my way to check out Linda's blog now. Thanks. Janey


I would love to try my hands at crochet with that book to aid me. Thanks for the chance to win!
blrohloff at aol dot com


I would love this book! I think crochet accents are sweet.


This book sounds like something I need to get my crochet groove on. I've been curious about crochet for a long time, and these projects seem modern and so pretty.
thanks for the chance at this great giveaway!


Embellishing is what makes it homemade for me :) I'd love to win!


very cute book! love the idea of the trim along the jacket, and the pillow!! i haven't crocheted in a while...usually just blankets, but the ideas here are too cute not to try!

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