Courage and a muslin
This is the week I get things done

Meet Gumbo


Gumbo is Jane's newest stuffed animal. She made Gumbo yesterday all on her own, using the sewing machine that the girls received for Christmas. I helped thread the machine, taught her how to pivot the fabric with the needle down and was at hand for little issues.  The rest Jane did on her own. She was super pleased with her creation and I think she should be. It's a big accomplishment to set out to design a project, make it and see it through to the end, mistakes and all. I'm very proud of her.

Gumbo 2

I was in the middle of sewing my dress when Jane decided to start this project. The timing wasn't optimal for me - I can't tell you how many times I had to put down my sewing to help with hers - but I am glad that I was present to help Jane make Gumbo. Watching her create this was a joy and as we were working, I was happy to set aside what I wanted to do right then and join her. These moments don't come often and when they do, I'm going to grab them.

And the dress? Well, that's entirely different story.



fun! those memories are worth taking time to help.


So great! Looks like someone has a love of green just like her mom...


Sounds like a win all around!
Great work Jane!


Lovely! Congrats to a project ocmpleted. And I hope that you get your dress done, eventually.

blair/wise craft

Jane, its perfect! I would love to think Emma would get on the sewing machine at some point, she's so busy making clay dragons (that she claims come to life at night) that I don't know when that will be.

krista - Poppyprint

Way to go, Jane!

heather smith jones

Gumbo is so great! I like his face too, he's got personality. :)


It's gorgeous and I LOVE his name! xo

Rachel at Stitched in Color

Congratulations to her! And I know just what you mean - sewing interrupted never was for such a good cause.


Yahoo, Jane!


I can sympathise with you have to stop what you were doing to help her. It can be so frustrating but shes done such a great job. you must both feel very proud.

Indiana Lori

He's extraordinarily perfect. Quite possibly the most huggable animal to ever come from the country of Gumbazia. Love it!


funny, isn't it, how the timing is always awful? takes such fortitude to remember it's a wolloping opportunity, in the moment. good for you for recognizing it.

and three cheers for jane! i think gumbo's fantastic. (then again, i'm a sucker for big brown eyes...)

I daren't show my daughter, she'd want to make one! I've already run Art &Craft club after school for LP & her friends! :) It looks wonderful, WELL DONE!

Lisa Clarke

So nicely done! I should show this to my son - I bet he'd love to try something like that himself. And good for you for recognizing that dresses will keep, while opportunities to guide your daughter in this way may be fleeting :-)


Hello Gumbo! I think your very cute. :)


So cute!! I've been thinking of making the the knitted version for for my nephew. Well done!


love gumbo. and that she is sewing!!!


cute,cute! It was so fun for me when my daughter could sew somewhat on her own. The beginning teaching took a lot of time, but now I can just help her here and there.

Have a great weekend.

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