Doubling up

Dispatch from Tuesday, delivered on Wednesday night

August 23 b


August 23 c


August 23

I fixed the quilt square and I took a nap. Nothing else got sewn.

The kids had no homework. It's been like this since school began. They are finishing the math problems before they get home and reading, reading, reading. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. Seriously. But it hasn't.

Jane passed a big Kumon test. I'm so proud of her. She has worked hard and long to get to the place she is and she now knows that dedication and endurance pay off.

I ran three miles before it was light outside. The air was cool and crisp and my legs felt good.

I spent the morning with some girlfriends and had a piece of birthday cake at lunch. This group of ladies always helps me feel centered. I'm lucky to know them.

I had popcorn for dinner after the kids were in bed, while Fatty was at a meeting. No sharing.

It was a good Tuesday as far as Tuesdays go.



I like that.

Mama Urchin

That photo of your deck looks like Autumn. Wouldn't it be nice if they never had homework?

heather harris

so familiar...miss you guys! (hi to hazel)


I flat out loved this post!

nicke cutler

that made my heart happy. i ran two miles last night after it was dark. it felt good.


I just may be inspired to have popcorn for dinner too.


Popcorn for dinner! excellent! Here's to a great school year...for all of you!

heather smith jones

Hi sweet Hazel. (From your flickr photo of her, I worried something was the matter with her. So glad I was wrong!)

Erin | house on hill road

she just loves sleeping out in the sun. xo.

Erin | house on hill road

it's my favorite guilty pleasure dinner, even better with a glass of wine. ;)

Erin | house on hill road

do it!

Erin | house on hill road

i think i love the quiet that surrounds me when running in the dark. it's more peaceful.

Erin | house on hill road

miss you too! xo.

Erin | house on hill road

it's certainly looking like fall with all the storm debris littering the ground - makes me realize that it truly is around the corner. and yes, no homework would be excellent.

Paty Z. in Mexico

Congratulations to Jane!! I know that Kumon means a lot of work and a lot more of dedication. Good for you Jane!! Pablo, my son is a the middle of E, and that has meant lots of hours and hours of maths. My oldest is no longer in Kumon because he has lots of homework (next year we will go to university) but he tells me now that because he went to Kumon, and that I insisted so much, now maths are a piece of cake. Of course he says that today but many years ago the story was very different!
So congratulations also to you Erin!


It does sound like a good Tuesday.

Erin | house on hill road

Thank you Paty. She just got her G-by-5 after 3 1/2 years of hard work. Kate is in the middle of F so she's not that far behind.

lisa s

aw hazel. not a bad tuesday at all !


I have a chocolate lab that looks an awful lot like yours! His name is Hunter, but he's not much of a sunbather! I have a 3 year old, so I am still years away from school but I am already looking forward to it in some ways.

rachel | buttons magee

that sounds like a nice evening.


So loving that Labbie picture. We have one of those too.
Missing checking into your blog- even though you are on my blogroll.
Sometimes life is like that.
I'm back on it!


hi erin! is that honeysuckle dish soap, i see?! we only get the hand soap at our Target...and hardly any seasonal, but they did have the honeysuckle hand soap, which i loved! i have my certain mrs. meyer scents for each season.

what is kumon? is it for kids who are advanced or delayed or anybody? my daughter was diagnosed with adhd and i am looking for any {non medication} routes to help her. she's only in 1st grade.

and i love running in the morning, too. my friend told me that where she is from {in india} they say that if you spend time outside in the wee hours of the morning, then you will have great skin. :)


Sounds like some nice settling in happening over there. Funny how we wish for summer but fall always seems to come at just the right time...


I count that among my favorite dinners.

Good work with the seam ripper. It's my most important sewing tool, far, far above the machine itself.


when I saw the pic of your dog I had to do a double take because she looks exactly like mine. Aren't they sweet:)

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