More hand stitching
Happy 4th of July

New York Spoils


Scrap pack



Nano iro2

We are home from New York.

It was a good, long, exhausting and fun week. We saw Tara and Tim twice - the perfect bookends to a week in Manhattan where we shopped, walked, shopped, ate, walked, drank, ate, drank, walked, shopped our way through Manhattan. Did I mention the eating and drinking and shopping?

All of the above came from Purl Soho with the exception of the dandelion fabric. That's from Marimekko (on sale!). The second photo is actually a scrap pack. I saw it when I walked in the store and thought about it the whole time I was there. The fabrics are not necessarily ones that I'd be drawn to on their own, but together like that? Yes. Please. And thank you, too. I scooped up the other blues and whites to go along. I know exactly what I am going to make and if I have the time, I will start it today. The green? Well, of course, I had to have that.

Now, home, I'm feeling incredibly spoiled. I have loving in-laws that take my kids so that Fatty and I can run away for a week together every summer. I have a husband who is more than a husband - he's my best friend and partner in crime. He makes me laugh and knows that if my blood sugar gets too low, it's not pretty. He holds my hand as we walk down the street and sits patiently while I spend hours looking at textiles and trying on clothes at Anthropologie. It is such a blessing to have that time alone, to be able to manage a vacation each year, to feel completely in love for the last eighteen years. I don't ever want to take that for granted. I feel incredibly blessed.

And the girls? I missed them just the right amount - not too much and not too little. We are hanging out today, running errands and doing other everyday life things like laundry and cooking. I've already referee-ed one fight and I'm sure it won't be the last. I'm slowly bringing them back to our world of limited television and healthier eating. Most of the time, I have the best job. I wouldn't change it for the world. Those girls - an equally big blessing.



Glad you had a good time. So refreshing to hear you reflect on your marriage and family...THAT is a blessing to so many of your readers!


Love the dandelion fabric.
What an awesome getaway!
Limited tv, healthy eating and bickering around here too - wouldn't have it any other way.


From the fabric to the yarn to the words most of all - this most made me smile!


Yikes! *Post not most!!


Heavenly trip and lovely reflection...


Bless grandparents, but it is SO hard to bring children back to reality later.


it all sounds perfect! glad you had time for you. love the fabric choices!

ko. s

Wonderful! What a sweet time for y'all and what lovely treasures you brought home. My hubby and I desperately need to escape for a week :) You've inspired me!

beth lehman

oh, what fun! your spoils look great!


oh erin. what a beautiful reflection on life. on your life. on blessings. beauty. xo.


sounds perfect, erin :)


i forgot to ask. what are the threads (yarns?)? such pretty colors.

Cute fabric!


LOVE hearing you talk about your husband like that!!! I am so darned tired of man bashing.

So happy you had such a wonderful, fun time. LOVE.

It totally warmed my heart to read your words about your family. My friendship with my husband is the most important thing in the world to me, and it makes me so happy to read about your relationship with Fatty.

Portland soon?

Erin | house on hill road

Yes! Portland at the end of July. Will email you!


oh erin, i love this, from the dandelions, to the get-aways, to the bittersweet blessings of time away from kiddos. we just celebrated our 17th (and that's married, plus the together years), so i feel for you both, in all the right days.

a blessing, indeed.

welcome home.


Goooooooorgeous!!!!!! Looks like you did a wonderful spot of shopping! I always feel very inspired when i have new materials...

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