Camera straps, books and more!
Summer Reading, Part Two

Three things


Hello! I've got three things to cover today so I'm going to attack it list-style.

1. If you are reading in a reader, click over to see the BEAUTIFUL new blog design that happened over the weekend. Actually, it happened over the summer, with a lot of hard work by the talented Dorie Schwarz, but we (she) pushed the buttons to switch everything over on Friday afternoon. I love it so much and keep wondering why I didn't do it sooner. If you click on my picture, the about page is updated and housed at its new home - long overdue! A huge thanks to Dorie for making it happen and for dealing with very vague direction from me and still being able to design such a lovely product. You're the best, Dorie. Also, go check out the quilt she just finished. Amazing!

2. Along with the new design, there are new social media links. A Facebook page? Check. Twitter? Got that, too. Instagram? Yep. (It's a locked account, but as long as everything looks like it is on the up and up, I will accept your follow request). Pinterest? You know it. Flickr? It might be dead, but I'm still there. You get the idea...go like, follow, etc., for the most up-to-date news like shop updates, book stuff, and probably, a good dose of little tidbits, too.

3. The update on the SHOP UPDATE. The books are ready to go and the camera straps will be ready soon, so I'll start with those. How does Friday sound? Good? Good. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 around 2:30 p.m. When it's live, I will announce it here, Twitter, Facebook and probably Instagram. Scrap bags and the fabric destash will be coming soon. Remember, I am happy to sign books if you'd like.

That's a wrap for today. Back soon.


jen j-m

your redesign is lovely! xo


I love the redesign!! And I just put a reminder on my phone for the camera straps. I think I'm ready for a freshening up, even though I still LOVE my old one. xo.


beautiful! good things! xo


It's beautiful. Can't wait to buy a book from you.

Mama Urchin

It all looks great Erin! I'm looking forward to getting my hands on your book.

Lisa Clarke

Lovely! Was it a hard decision letting go of the photographic header you have always had? I notice more and more people doing so, but I love that little bit of seasonal change. I think I'd have a hard time giving it up!

I didn't realize your book was already available... it's been on my wish list. I may have to pull the trigger :-)


The new site looks great!


looking good!


lovely, E

Alicia A.

Everything looks superb, friend!


Lovely! xo


I absolutely love the new design, Erin. Did you paint it? Everything is pulled together so nicely! xoxo

Account Deleted

It is so lovely Erin! Very YOU!


Gorgeous, Erin - absolutely gorgeous.

lisa s

can't wait for my BOOK !! ;)


love LOVE love your new look. clean, crisp and oooo so YOU!


Wow! It's wonderful to see the blog design and read your updated About Me page.


it looks lovely! and obviously I'm a big Dorie fan too!


Nice! Your book is on my list.


Where do you get your name tags printed?

Erin | house on hill road

They are from I have been buying from them for years - great products and great service!

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